Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Problem with TruTV's Bait Car

I really hate this trend of shows, where people get set up, to be arrested. Their are shows out there like NBC's "To Catch a Predator", then the plethora of prostitution sting shows and specials. I honestly can't stand shows of this type. The best way to describe what these law enforcement agencies are doing, is entrapment. If you present someone an opportunity to do something wrong where they seemingly won't get caught, they will be more likely to commit these crimes. It's part of being a human animal.

The reason "Bait Car"bothers me so much more than other shows, is the simple factor of intent. With prostitution stings, the intent to pay for a prostitute is there, or with "To Catch A Predator" the men show intent by talking to the girls, and driving to the house. With "Bait Car" it simply seems like waving candy in front of a kid. Most of these people go in without intent to steal a car, but given their socioeconomic standing, a chance to make a lot of money fast is almost irresistible.

The set up to this show is simple: put an unlocked car, with exposed keys, in a slightly hidden public area, and wait for someone to attempt to steal it. The car has a lot of surveillance and has security measures to make sure there is no way for a suspect to escape.

There is something severely wrong with this set up. It seems to me it's giving people the option of becoming criminals, as opposed to exposing intent to commit a crime. At that point we are exploiting human weakness, instead of exposing criminals. I could easily describe this show as entrapment, but maybe you have your own opinion. Leave your comments below, I want to know what you have to say.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Favorite Video Games by Catagory

I have been playing video games for well over 12 years now. I believe in that time, I could consider myself a hardcore gamer. When I am not busy I play video games almost non stop. With all that said, I do kind of realize that I have never once made a blog about my favorite video games. Instead of doing the standard top __ games, I am going to categorize my choices and name a three for each category. Remember this is just a fun little list. Don't get but hurt if I don't agree with you. In fact you can go down in the comments and list your favorite games!

The much despised genre of games by the "hardcore gamers" (mainly those that don't have friends to play with), these are the games that are fun to play with more then 2 people. Normally known for fun puzzles and multiplayer madness, these are the games you NEED to have around when you have friends over.

Super Smash Brothers Melee
I might get some flack for this one. I know there are the million and one people who will say "Brawl is better", but as far being a party game goes, Melee is just the better choice and a game I personally have better memories with.
Now what makes this game one of the best all time party games? The frenetic controls quick game pace and the ability to play as any of your favorite Nintendo characters. Whether you're the master of power hit timing with link, or you love dropping in rock mode with Kirby, everyone has a favorite character and fighting type. Then once you plug in all controllers, everything goes crazy, between losing track of which character is yours, button mashing, randomly dropping items,and evolving can you NOT have fun.

Little Big Planet
Little Big Planet is an AMAZING game to break out during a party. Between large random platforming areas, and the big need for team work, LBP is just one of those games that everyone at a party will have a blast with. It's also a game I LOVE!

Just Dance (Series)
Dance Central might utilize the Kinect, but in the end I like the Wii version's of the Just Dance games. Some people may say easier is worse, but with a party game easier is really more fun. With only one hand needing a controller, dancing to songs is easy enough for someone with no rhythm to enjoy the game, while still being able to make a fool out of themselves. Plus Just Dance has the best song lists out of almost any dance game!

Role Playing Games
RPG's are my favorite genre of game probably, I love micromanagement, being able to make choices in stories, and exploring massive worlds. No matter the setting, or type of character you play, RPG's are some of the most involving deep games.

Fallout 3
To sing the praises of Fallout 3 would this point for me, just beating a dead horse...if you really wanna know HOW MUCH I love this game read this blogpost right here

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
I derped out on this game pretty hard when i first played it. I spent countless days leveling up my team to do the Pit of 100 Trials, Setting up my Wrestling Team, and finding all the little secrets in the game. I probably spent a good 73 hours playing it the first time I beat it...just because of side quests, power leveling, and grinding. Not to sound like a bigger geek then I admit to being butttttt....yeah I love Paper Mario: TTYD

Digimon World 3
The word obsession doesn't even describe what this game is to me. Fun game play dynamics, a ridiculous Digimon worthy storyline, and memorable music. In a lot of ways this game is my childhood from ages 8 to 12 I can remember every theme, every boss fight and the different Digivolutions that i can obtain by going down different training routes. I mean at one point I had a Seraphimon which if you don't know requires Magna Angemon to be level 40! Gangsta stuff you know!

First person or third person, doesn't matter I'll own you, question your sexuality, while tea bagging you. Bitches don't know about my own hammer in these games. Lets shoot em up. *pew* *pew*

Halo 3
Out of all of the halo games, Halo 3 has to be the best. Perfected weapon sets, fun vehicles, and probably the best story out of any of the other Halo games. I have a lot of good memories of playing multiplayer in Halo 3 at my friends houses, even though Halo rips off Unreal and Quake to a nauseating amount, it doesn't mater Halo 3 will always stand out as the most fun you can have playing a console shooter.

Doom isn't the first FPS but, damn was it the first successful one. I think everyone who was born before 2000 has played on incarnation or another of this game. It's on every platform...I played it on the PS1 the first time, and much later on I played it on the PC and it's easy to see why this game was so successful. Even though it's outdated now, my heart pounds every time I play this game, to the point where I have to stand back and say "this is just a game". If that's not the mark of a good game, I don't know what is.

Quake Live
Take Quake 3 Arena and then turn it into a free to play browser based shooter and you can see why Quake Live rocks. I have wasted many an hour playing this game just to get achievements and to get my kill to death ratio better. There is no other browser based shooter that is as good as Quake Live and I don't think there will ever be.

Everybody's first game was most likely a platformer, doesn't matter if it's Sonic, Mario, Spyro, Crash, or even Conker, it doesn't matter, these are the simplest, most fun games ever, and they will always have a lasting memory in the consciousness of gamers.

Spyro the Dragon
This was the first game I ever owned, it was also the first game I played until it stopped working. I beat this game over and over again, explored the world got 100%, even did the final level Gnasty's loot and beat that. Though i liked the sequel Ripto's rage, I think the original Spyro game is the only one in the series worth mentioning.

Super Mario bros. 3
If you ask anyone about their favorite Mario game, 2 games will pop. Mario 3 and Mario World. While Super Mario World, is a fun game and all, it lacked the magic that Super Mario Bros. 3 had. Every levels unique and not over used, fun minigames that are a nice break to the action, plus that little awesome tail flying thing just make this game amazing. Though the most surprising thing is, this game was done on an 8 bit console. Many 16 bit consoles LACKED the depth that this game had (some even lacked the graphics Mario 3 had).

Crash Bandicoot 3: WARPED
As to avoid being called a Sony fan boy, all I have to say is this was a game I grew up on. It came with my PS1 Slim, so I have a lot of love for this game. It's the only game that I have played for hours on end that still works. Between the time trials, homages to other platformers, fun easy to pick up controls, great story line, and replay ability, you really can't get a better game then this in the genre. I love this game, I still have memories of my dad, my brothers, and myself beating this game all the way through.

Sports Games
The last category I am going over today, sports games are probably the most universally relatable games around. Everyone is into some kind of sport, and you can get people of all ages into these kinds of games because of this. For me not many sports games are that good but these are the 3 best in my opinion.

Madden 2002-2007
With Madden games...there isn't a lot of change. So I grouped together the best years of Madden. from 2002 to 2007 Madden games were fun to play and (if you wanted to geek out for hours) fun to play the micromanaging "Franchise mode" or just play a season or a quick game. It didn't matter, many rivalries between my brothers and I started because of this game. Being a Colts fan myself, I always had to play against the Niners and Pats because of my brothers. Which was easy for the former and very difficult for the later.

NBA Street
I got this game as a birthday present when i turned 14, and I got addicted. Once my team had Jordan and Shaq, no one could beat me. Tons of in your eye's all around. The unlockables in this game and the arcadey fun makes this game a must own for anyone with a previous generation console, who likes basketball.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Okay if I had to pick an all time favorite game...this would be it. This was the first game I got as a Christmas present...and oh boy did I love playing it. I got really good at this game because I lived in the living room of my house for about 8 months. During that time my brother and all of his friends would come over and wake me up at roughly midnight to play this game with them. Then my dad would play the game with me everyday when he got off work. This was back when i was only aloud to play my PS1 1 hour a I wasn't complaining about the 8 plus hours a day I was playing the game. Though in hindsight I probably would have done better in elementary school if it hadn't been for this game.
I guess I should talk about the game play, this game is a tight arcade skateboarding game, and it is also tons of fun. Whether you're playing by yourself through the "career mode" or you're playing one of the multiplayer game modes or you just want to build your own skate can do all that in this game! Also THPS2 has the BEST soundtrack of all time.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Opinions About Eve Online

There is no secret that I like MMO's, I have found very few I have ever really gotten into, besides Guild Wars, Runescape, and Fusion Fall...but I like MMO's I have played a lot of them, so naturally I am looking for a new MMO to play since guild wars has gotten a bit tiring. Well I decided to try Eve Online...for a second time.

The first time I played Eve Online I played it for 20 minutes and was so exhausted from docking in my first station I quit playing. This second time, I was committed, to start playing and worked out about as good as the first time.

Here's the story, I do the ungodly boring slow tutorial for about 30 minutes, until I ultimately get tired of playing the tutorial, I docked at a station and started my first mission, it is a simple misison go to a location find a cargo crate and bring it back. Its level 1 for gods sake how hard can it be.

After spending an ungodly amount of time on trying to figure out, I end up after numerous trial and error and reading help stuff, I get to a beacon which is suppose to be around where the cargo container is. Now I need to find said container, after reading the instructions and talking to people in the rookie help chat for about an hour, I end up finding out that boring slow tutorial is something you need to play through or else you can't figure out anything.

Also finding cargo and clicking on it is a 1 hour part of the tutorial. At that I point I just gave up playing, because if it takes me 3 hours or so to figure out the first noob mission, and I can't even figure it out. It is way to complicated of a game for me. Plain and simple, I am not sure how anyone figures out the game!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Song, "Sunday Afternoons"

This is just the demo version, but here is Sunday Afternoons: Sunday Afternoons by Storey County Line
I hope you guys enjoy!

Also remember to like my band Storey County Line on facebook:

or follow us on twitter @SCLRock

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dragon Age 2: A Quick Review

Over the years I have found very few games I have fallen in love with as much as I have with Dragon Age Origins. The only other 2 games that even come to mind are Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas (BTW I think New Vegas is better than Fallout 3). It should come as n o surprised I have been hyped for Dragon Age 2 since I beat Dragon Age: Origins in roughly March of 2010....after waiting a year I finally got my hands on Dragon Age 2...and I am kind of disappointed!

I am always the optimist when it comes to sequels and video games, I thought the best Halo game of the original trilogy was 3, THPS2, Crash Bandicoot 2, and Spyro 2 are two of my favorite PS1 games of all time, and not to mention my absolute love of Fallout New Vegas....all these games are examples that sequels can be better then the original!

Then we get Dragon Age 2....what can I say...the world isn't as big, the game isn't as long, the story not as engrossing or engaging...Its all the inhumanity of I hated from playing Mass Effect 2...except multiplied by like 3 due to the small world.

All that said the game doesn't SUCK...its just not as much fun as DAO...its like Dragon Age wants to grow up and be Mass Effect and I am not sure I like it that much. I love the changes to combat...and I love the dialog and voice actors, but a lack luster story leaves me to wonder...whats the point of having Bioware make a B grade game...with no suggestion for DA2 is buy it if you want a good 20-30 hours of fun in the world of Thedas...but don't ask much more of it!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Playstation Move Sucks!

As what can be easily called a "playstation fanboy" I should be all up for anything Sony releases, and be all like *GASM IMA BUY DAT*, well upon release of Play Station Move, I was...well I was like *GASM IMA BUY DAT*. Fast forward to my most recent visit to Best Buy, where I saw the PS3 had Move, I was like OH YEAH, so I get the move controller in my hand and start playing!!! It was awful...the movement wasn't 1:1 like the Kinect and the controller didn't even work as good as the Wii's. I even had the guy at best buy show me how to do a full recalibration...and the stupid thing still was god awful. Just stay away from the Move if you own a PS3 and buy a Wii!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dear Script Kiddies that are Keeping My Site Down

You guys are pricks for making it so no one can see my main webpage! Hammy (my friend and webhost) has been under a massive DDoS attack, because he made a couple of you kids a lil a mad at one point or another...NOT COOL. Anyway FOR A BRIEF PERIOD my main site will be this blog which is sorry for any inconvenience these script kiddies may have caused you, I will update this post when my site is back up and running!!!

*UPDATE* Site and blog are back up!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thank You, Happy Birthday (Cage The Elephant Album Review)

Cage The Elephant is one of my favorite bands to come out in the last 5 years, I praised their first album for reviving alternative rock, and the songs "Back Against the Wall", "In One Ear", and "Ain't Know Rest For The Wicked" are great tracks! Fast forward to now, and I have had a week to absorb their sophomore attempt; Thank You, Happy Birthday.
Like its predecessor the lyrics on this album are very metaphorical in some spots hiding great symbolism other times they can be blunt and brash. This fluctuation keeps this album from being to shallow as well as staying coherent. The lyrical theme of Thank You, Happy Birthday is that of...well there is none really, you have songs about drugs, booze, women, and fame.

Now what I am about to talk about, is what every reviewer has talked about, but just like Stan Lee said about comic book; Every review of an album is someones first review they've read about the album. This entire album sounds like The Pixies, which is not a bad thing at all. I am one of the biggest Pixies fans ever, and I am disappointed at the fact that they haven't released a new record since reforming a few years ago. So for me this album feels like a pixies record, the distortion distortion in the guitar , the wailing vocals, the hidden themes within the lyrics of what seems to be very shallow pop songs. Its all here, but beyond that not every song sounds like Pixies, "Always Something", "Indy Kidz", "Rubber Ball" and "Flow" sound like they could have been a songs off the first Cage The Elephant album, which is good! I do wish that this release would have been more like the Self Title, but instead I get a good record that sounds like the Pixies, so that is a positive.

Overall, Thank You, Happy Birthday was generally fun to listen to, you could hear songs were written to be fun to mosh to, which for those who don't know CAGE THE ELEPHANT HAS THE BEST LIVE SHOW EVER... the lyrics are strong. Though I do wish they would have made the record sound more like their own as opposed to a pixies tribute band, I recommended this to everyone it's a fantastic alt rock album that gives me hope for popular rock music. I give Thank You, Happy Birthday a 4 out of 5

I will leave you with the Unofficial Video released by the band for "Shake Me Down"