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20. Coral Fang by The Distillers
Very Rarely do you find a punk band led by a chick that isn't part of the Riot Grrrl genre. The Distillers are a rare exception to this unwritten rule. Sure there are songs in their discography that preach womens rights, WHICH I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH. What I have a problem with is female led punk bands that can only talk about women rights thus stereotyping themselves. Anyway back to the album at hand: Coral fang has a lot of energy to it, the kind of music you could blare when your down at the skate park and everyone would be cool with it. Amazing lyrics written by front women Brody Homme (former wife of Tim Armstrong current wife of Josh Homme), combine with this electric powerful fast punk sound, and her deep throaty lyrics. Sadly Coral Fang is the last Distillers album, the band split in 06, and it doesn't look like we'll see a reunion. My favorite tracks off this punk masterpeice are; Beat Your Heart Our, Coral Fang, and The Gallows is God.
19. Commit This To Memory by Motion City Soundtrack
Everything is Alright, was a track I heard years ago and didn't pay much attention to, besides bobbing my head to it. Then fastforward to a few weeks ago when I was on youtube and searching through punk bands, and I came across Motion City Soundtrack, a pop punk/emoish band, that I fell in love with. I love every track off this album, especially the infectiously poppy Everything is Alright, that I didn't give a second listen to when I first heard it! My favorite tracks are Everything is Alright, Attractive Today, and Make Out Kids.
18. Start Today by Gorilla Biscuits

A Straight Edge, Vegan, Youth Crew, hardcore punk band, a long description, for a great band! I found out about Gorilla Biscuits through the video game Tony hawks American Wasteland which features a cover of Start Today's title track by Fallout Boy. I thought the cover was alright, I looked it up online and found out about the original band. Gorilla Biscuits are everything great about the 80's and early 90's hardcore scene, ANGRY, POLITICAL, FAST lyrics. I love this band, this is their second and currently last record. The best songs on this album are Start Today, Cats and Dogs, and Two Sides.
17. Goodbye Cool World by Bomb the Music Industry!

Bomb the Music Industry! is a band that is best described as a Chainsaw hitting a synthesizer, a guitar, and a bass, with overly fast ridiculous lyrics, AKA an amazing punk band. There is so much emotion in every word sang. Choosing which album would represent this band in this countdown was tough, but in the end it came down to Goodbye Cool World, only because of the 4 part song "The King Of Minneapolis", the first two parts at the second track of the album and the second two at the second to last part of the album. That song is what sold me on this band, and its what secured Goodbye Cool World this spot. Top tracks: King of Minneapolis(parts I&II and parts III and IV), Side Projects are Never Successful, and Fuck The Fans.
16. Adelphia by A Skylit Drive
I am gonna get SO MUCH flack for this choice, before anyone says anything I KNOW ITS METALCORE, but Metalcore is a derivative of hardcore punk, thus can be included on the list. A Skylit Drive is the rare exception to my hate of metalcore. Adelphia is hard to explain why I like it, its just a good album, and it is deserving of being the only metalcore album on this list. My faves on Adelphia are: Those Cannons Could Sink a Ship, The Boy Without a Demon, and See You Around.
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