Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What Christmas Means to Me

This is a blogpost I decided I'd write for 1 of 2 reasons. First and foremost I am trying to post more content that is interesting and people will like. Secondly, I am writing more to improve my style and form, so doing essay type blog posts like this will help.

When I was younger Christmas was all about the excitement of the morning, and from ages 1-10 the magic of Santa. Waking up at 6 in the morning bugging my parents to start doing stuff. This stuff to me was the highlight of the day.

As I have gotten older though I find something new I like about the Holiday every year. I realized that I am a huge fan of ham and roast, along with all the other common Christmas foods. There is also something REALLY cool about giving someone a gift and knowing they liked it!

Though I could never buy into the "religious" aspects of the holiday, I have always been intrigued by the Jesus mythos especially about the birth. The idea of even thinking back as far as 2000 years ago is already something to wrap my mind around; but adding in virgin birth, a couple fleeing for their lives in the dead of night, and 3 kings giving presents to a baby...just makes it so cool! Its probably the most interesting story in The New Testament.

I have also grown to hate Christmas music...to the point where I walked out on my parents decorating the tree when my dad starting playing some really awful Christmas music! The worst offenders on my list of Christmas songs I hate would have to be that damned horribly depressing song about the kidding getting his dying mom shoes for Christmas...I believe that, that song IS specifically designed to depress death! If I had to pick a few songs I can stand it would be Santa's Beard by They Might Be Giants, 30 Days by nevershoutnever, and Happy Holidays You Bastards by Blink 182.

As far as Television Christmas specials go, there are 3 I HAVE TO SEE! Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Flintstones Christmas Carole, and Olive the Other Reindeer...these specials OPTIMIZE CHRISTMAS FOR ME! If I don't see these specials...I think I would cry! Call me a big softy, but I love Christmas specials, almost all of them. Bonus points if they have a depressing ending or are animated OR both!

So, what does Christmas mean to me? It means good food, god awful music, an interesting myth, and tearjerker TV specials, and maybe, just maybe family to ;)!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah my friend had a CD with every Xmas jingle on it, but MUSIC ONLY - played with a heavily distorted lead guitar and backed by a band & orchestra. "God Bless Ye Merry Gentleman" (or whatever that song its called) has never sounded better until it' splayed METAL-LIKE!
    (imagine Metallica backed by an orchestra, like in the old dayz, jammin along with System of a Down)
    AH.. Xmas cheer!
