This is a series of blogs that I am trying out. Once a week every Saturday morning I will write one blog about albums that changed my life. If people don't like it or if I get an overwhelmingly negative response I won't do any more. Anyway on to the blog.
Boxcar Racer's self titled was the first album I listened to all the way through. When I was like 8 I knew there was a band called blink 182, and I knew my two older brothers listened to them and I heard a couple songs, but one day my brother brings over his Boxcar Racer CD when he was visiting. He forgot to take it back with him and I stole it essentially for 2 months, I listened to it over and over again. It was the first album I had ever listened beginning to end.
This was the album that made me a music geek. The tracks that have stayed with me for almost 9 years now would have to be "I Feel So", "Tiny Voices", "Letters to God", and "My First Punk Song", just all such memorable tracks. In re-listening to the album I would have to say the entire album is amazing, it's just such a great mix of song writing and musicianship. Its not very often you can say that an album you listened to as a kid over and over again holds up like Boxcar Racer's self titled has.
One thing that always bugged me when I was a kid, but now I understand is why didn't they make a second album? Then it just clicked, the reason there is only one boxcar racer album is because the first one says everything. below is the music video for "There Is" the 10th track from one of the best albums of all time.
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