The album is 11 songs (13 on the preorder), and in my opinion the writing is okay. The songs that are good are amazing, and the rest of the album is okay. While back in a blog talking about NeverShoutNever!, I said Christofer Drew has potential to be a great song writer like Bob Dylan, and the songs This Shit Getz Old, Cheatercheaterbestfriendeater, Piggy Back, and Sellout PROVE HE IS A DAMN FINE SONG WRITER. Then you have songs like Harmony, Love Sick, First Dance, and the two sound alike songs The Lousy Truth and Trampoline seem to show him reverting back to his old stuff which is bad, because artists are suppose to develop over time not revert to childish things because its popular.
The actual music its self is GREAT. Listening to "Harmony" you can tell super producer Butch Vig had his hands on this project. His Unique way of recording things in a very epic and large style shows, even the quiet songs feel kind large and grand. This album features a lot of Banjo and Mandolin in the background, and mixes acoustic with electric which just sounds amazing! The one thing I have to criticize like I did above is the fact that The Lousy Truth and Trampoline sound to alike, especially since they are right next to each other in track order. Also the song Harmony bugs me a lot and I can't figure out why, I just in general hate the song and wish it to die!
"Harmony" is good album overall the weak song writing on some songs lacks the growth and maturity needed to make an all time great album. The music behind the lyrics is what saves it and all of Bitch Vig's producing talent shows! Plus appropriately priced at many locations for $10 for a 25 minutes, your only paying roughly 50 cents a minute, its not bad! This is worth getting on CD if only for hearing the Tracks Piggy Back and This Shit Getz Old in the highest quality possible! To make a very BIG statement for me I NOT ONLY say buy this album I am saying MY FAVORITE SONG OF 2010 SO FAR IS THIS SHIT GETZ OLD! I give Harmony a 4 out of 5!
I leave you with the video for my FAVORITE SONG SO FAR IN 2010, This Shit Getz Old
This S**t Getz Old
NeverShoutNever | MySpace Music Videos
bands have to stay up and make what sells while having to please the audience.evan tho Christofer drew did have some good songs he has potential to make good songs but he still has his old way of righting songs and will always and forever.its the way he learned to write songs and he will have to learn to not revert back to his old ways.and for the way that the songs sound is just bad management.
ReplyDeleteChrisofer Drew has indeed diverged from his 2007 pop songs, & to say that is a positive or a negative is argueable but in a way, it just shows his growth as a musical artist. He's also improved greatly live & his song This Shit Getz Old had me hooked even before it was ButchVig-ed, & was only a simple youtube video. The only issue I find with the music is the odd effect it has on Mr. Ingle. He seems...depressed. His little outreach, This Shit Getz Old, seemed to be his favorite as well but as for the other songs, it almost seemed he feels forced.
ReplyDeleteThough, since I don't know him personally I may just be looking to into it.