Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Degrassi What a Girl Want part 1 Review

Like last review, the first part will be me reviewing the episode with NO spoilers, and the second part after the thing that says SPOILERS in bold is my opinion of the episodes plot, with spoilers. All ready to go, lets dish! (God I am REALLY turning gay this show does bad things to me)

The story in this episode was BLAH yesterday we got a 4 part epic, with lots of twists and turns. Today we get an episode with a stale story, and instead of "going there" it kind of tried going there but got distracted on the way. With a good Holly J Storyline and a nobody cares Fiona storyline, I was left feeling betrayed. This could have been SUCH A BETTER STORY!

The cinematography was very basic, but forgivable not much happened this episode so not very much camera work was needed. Same with the music in fact I don't think there was a single licenced song and it was just the normal score.


Holly J gets back from New York, with a new lease on life, until she finds out she is not going to Yale, she's moving to an apartment, and that Sav is running against her for class president. All of this combined causes Holly J to go from nice girl, with an attitude to total savage queen bee mega destroyer. She is planning on starting a rumor about Anya having Sav's baby, and she starts by telling Sav that Anya is pregnant, which isn't true. I like mean Holly J she was a great antagonist!

Then Fiona has a storyline we get hardly any development on where she has an abusive boyfriend who tried raping her, but instead hits her....yeah this one was just boring I have trouble feeling bad for Fiona after she tried ruining Holly J and Declan's romance in yesterday's movie.

Oh and I forgot to mention, Mr. Archie "Snake" Simpson, is now principle of Degrassi which is totally awesome, because he seems like a good principle. He has that stern growl in his voice, that makes me stop what I am doing when I am watching it. Also the chick that replaces his computer class, IS SMOKING HAWT...and short!

Thats all about What A Girl Wants part , I hope part 2 can redeem this kind of boring episode!

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