The song writing on Braveface is reminiscent of Cake, with strong repeating versus and even stronger spoken word. The thick British accent adds a bit of charm to the mix. Writing and vocal performance is amazing. The best examples of this driving vocal performance are the songs I Love You, Headlock, and Work it Out.
The music itself, is the best of 90's Syntha pop/rock, that came out in 90's in the UK.
The great repeating beats, bad ass protools FX, amazing drum tracks, and keyboard artistry. This is one of the only bands in YEARS I have seen do this right.
Altogether I have to say Esser is an amazing band, and Braveface is an Amazing record while it might not be to everyone's taste, in my opinion it is one of the best albums of last year.
I will now leave you with the video for "I Love You"
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