Thursday, August 6, 2009

Watchmen Graphic Novel review

It was about November 2008 when I heard about Watchmen for the very first time, It was on G4 (I know I watch G4 still but I wished I lived in Canada so I could watch G4 Tech TV) Attack of the Show was exclaiming and raving over this as if it was a master piece of art and fiction and how they were anticipating the theatrical release based upon said graphic novel. Another two months passed and I was sitting down watching one of my nightly shows when I watched the first real trailer for Watchmen. Needless to say I was amazed by it. One more month passed and I decided I could no longer wait to see the movie but no pirated or otherwise versions were out there, so I read the graphic novel even though I am not a comic book fan. This is my review of the Watchmen graphic novel.

1986's Watchmen focuses on the idea of what if superheroes were real? What Events would be changed in world history? Where would we be? It answers these questions in this epic 411 page graphic novel full of dark, gritty, and sometimes disturbing moments.

The story follows the exploits of former "Masked Adventurers" (some still active) as they try to stop World War 3. This book rivals Tom Clancy's stories of conspiracy while maintaining a a love story the likes of which no soap opera or teen drama could even come close to.

This finely wrapped package of drama, action, fear, life, and a million and one other things combined is aided by the use of in universe news articles, scrap books, books, and documents teaching you about how the world got where it was. One of my favorite quotes from the novel is from the fake book Dr. Manhattan Super-Powers and Superpowers; I never said, "The superman exists, and he's American." What I said was,"God exists, and he's American."

On the subject of this book looking like fine art I cant agree more. Artist Dave Gibbons manages to make a dark world that isn't to dark and dreary to be off putting. The character design is probably the best I have seen in a long time. If you look in the backgrounds you can truly see the amazement about how much you can learn of the universe of watchmen just by looking around. My favorite drawing in the book is Archie Nite owls aircraft/submarine/awesome mobile. One last thing to comment on in the art direction taken are the panels from Tales of the Black Freighter just excellent is all I can say.

The next person to talk about is Alan Moore famed writer of Watchmen. Moore is single handedly responsible for creating the dark age (named that way for two reasons) with Watchmen and ending it via Youngblood Judgment Day, Leading way for the modern age of comics. With watchmen Moore created a story so excellent and well rounded it launched most of today's newer comic book writers. My opinion is that the story is amazing the only issues I have is that at some points near the end you don't get enough development near the end as if he was rushed. Some minor grammatical slips happen in a few issues but nothing to bad. I loved when Dr. Manhattan is on Mars and he tells is story it sounds so...haunting so...dark so...amazing.

I am overwhelmed by how good this Graphic Novel is. I recommend you buy it now hell I recommend you buy 10 copies and give the other 9 to your friends and family its worth a read if you are a comic book fan or just a fan of good literature altogether. I give Watchmen a 97%


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