The mainstream news media is to blame for a lot of problems in this world. Nothing has made me more aware of this than the events of the last 2 days. The George Zimmerman trial ended with a not guilty verdict and you have people going full retard. The left and right wing media have chosen to both condem George Zimmerman, using biased sway to ruin his already ruined life.
I am just tired about Zimmerman being the only thing on the news. The man is innocent as proven by a court of his peers. Yet people still are threatening to hang him in the streets, and some groups screaming their black rage in the streets.
It's just sickening. Honestly the truth of the matter is, George Zimmerman is a short tempered man who sustained wounds on his body the night he killed Trayvon Martin. Trayvon was a reactionary young kid who probably would attack someone following him. In the end it was two forces colliding and someone's life was ended that night. It's unfortunate, but not a reason to claim a (half) whiteman had predjudice in a desiscion of self defense.
The media refuses to listen to evidence so when we have George Zimmerman lynched in the streets of Miami the only people to blame are ABC, CNN, and Fox News.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
What Have We Come To
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
All Glory To The Anarchists
I found this buried in my documents on my computer. It was suppose to be a spoken word intro for an album. It never got used hope you guys enjoy:
"How can you say you believe in freedom of speech
When you don't even practice what you preach
You believe in silencing the public unless they vote republican
Or democrat either way the chips are stacked
You believe in a god who is love and peace
yet you support a holy war in the middle east
You believe in capitalism and capital punishment
So how much for a front row seat of an excution?
I'm tired of this of this hipocracy
People hurting other people over what they believe
and people lying about what they think
Just to get another vote or a head in life
Dishonesty must be the new black
this politcal season people seem out of whack
that's why i don't vote or trust the government
Because if you buy in your really bent
All glory to the anarchists
We believe what we preach and we preach what we believe
And we believe in community not property
And we believe in saying what we want nothing is stopping me
Mass murders and war criminals getting away with their wrongs
How can we live through this we are not that strong
All glory to the anarchists
We believe what we preach and we preach what we believe"
Monday, April 8, 2013
RIH Margaret Thatcher
I didn't mean RIP I meant RIH. Rot In Hell. Today an evil, homophobic, greedy, anti-union, anti-communist, war monger died. Yet the media is mourning her.
It is sickening, I thought I'd be happier hearing a greedy 80's conservative politician died. Nope The media ruined it for me.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
The Night Turns Into Morning
Burning the midnight oil how about I just burn the 03:29 cough and caffiene oil. I haven't been able to sleep tonight, this cough is unbearable, I really don't know what to do about it. No cough medicine besides these menthol drops that are supposedly "cherry flavored". The day I taste a cherry flavored like these things, is the day I ask for a refund from the super market for trying to poison me.
Yesterday or two days ago, as the time is passed midnight, I look back on going on an intense hike for about 15 miles round trip. I climbed a mountain I saw caves, and I have been miles away from civilization as I know it. Damn happy to be to, when the only noise you hear is passing birds and the sound of Dusty cracking bottles he's found in the beach sand it is quite relaxing. More relaxing than this sad state of affairs I am in now.
This obnoxious cough keeping me awake will hopefully fade, so I may get some rest, but I have my doubts as to that. I guess only time will tell.
Friday, January 11, 2013
My Mind Is Quiet, My Thoughts Collected
What started off as a simple trip to Dooglesburg ended up becoming life changing. The crisp winter air, the endless mountains and quiet of just existing. The iced over lake so frozen you could trust to walk on it. My mind is free.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Lyon County Juvenile Probation An Exercise in Failure
As I am 19, I have seen a lot of kids go through probation. Living in a small town I know a lot of them well. The system just seems to chew these kids up and spit them right back out.
The point of probation and parole is to pay a debt to society, if that's the case how come we are seeing KIDS guilty of misdemeanors, stay on probation for 3 plus years in a lot of cases. To say this is a failing of the court and justice system is an understatment.
Probation officers promise these kids they will get off sooner for paying fines, doing community service, and behaving then tac on additional fines and requirements. In some cases these kids get trapped on probation and parole until adulthood and beyond. The promise that your PO is looking into your best interest and that of society is a lie if you are a minor in Lyon County. The system needs cleaning and reform.
From talking to many of these kids, they lose hope that they will ever get off. Some turn to drugs and alcohol and disregard urinary analysis tests, because they feel the worst that will happen is they will get sent to juvy or ROP and they are just as trapped free as they would locked up. The hopeless feeling comes from 6pm curfews, grade requirements, and the endless length of probation increased by fines. I know families who are crippled under the debt of ancle monitor fees, resititution, and violation fees.
This is not fair, and this should not stand. The system of juvenile probation and parole has a place, but it needs reform in Lyon County. It is a failure to our youth. I would like for people to like and share this post to help gain exposure to the injustice of this system.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Let's blog using the Google voice talk thing
This entire blog is written with the little microphone thing on Android phones. I am writing every seconds and then taking a break and making sure its right but I will not change anything. This will probably end and really comical results. Anyway that's all I have to say for now I hope you guys will check out sports County line on Facebook.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Sooo let's talk about why I haven't updated in a while
Hey Phillip here needless to say a lot has happened since last March. The EP came out, Storey County Line became a full band, and I lost internet service due to financial straits. Let's just start off with the happy stuff first.
Since the last time I updated Storey County Line has added 3 members. Lead guitarist Ray, bassist Tim, and harmonicaer Jake. The new happy family is working on a single and a summer tour right meow.
Now for the unhappy stuff...I don't have internet right now and haven't since May. Luckily I just got a smart phone, so I hope to update more often. Anyway thats all I want to talk about tonight. Good night bloggers.