Sunday, April 25, 2010

Top 5 Scariest Infectious Diseases

For my triumphant return, after having a small bout with a cold, I am bring you guys the 5 scariest infectious diseases.

5. Meningitis

You might have seen the commercials that have talked about the vaccine for this quick killer, but why does it make it on to my top 5 list? Speed of death, pain of death, and an altered mental state. Without treatment the bacterial, parasitic, and fungal forms of this will 100% kill you within 72 hours leaving you in a horrible altered mental state due to brain and spinal cord swelling. The last thing you'll feel when you contract this killer is a ungodly painful stiff neck and huge horrible blood sack rashes on your body. Did I mention even with early treatment there is a 10% chance of death and a 30% chance of losing a limb.

Even with that said Meningitis only effects around 3,000 Americans a year, there is a vaccine for it that is safe and works well that is getting out to many of those who would be effected. This bad boy will probably be stomped out with the next generation of high school students in places where it is mandatory to get the Vaccine.

4. The Pneumonic Plague

I know what your saying "I've heard of the bubonic plague but whats the Pneumonic Plague?". It essentially causes pneumonia, but kills quicker and spreads faster then any other. Now even though plague is easily treatable if you know which strain you have the fact, that YOU DIE BY DROWNING, from your lungs filling up with mucus, just because you decided to sleep your cold off.

Like I said before, it can be treated if you go to the hospital and if you are of European descent (specifically going back to the 18th and 19th centuries, the odds are you have some natural immunity to the plague. Though the scare factor really is all in the fact it spreads fast, kills fast, and the cause of death.

3. Ebola

Once you get this your goose is cooked. Ebola is a 100% chance of death no matter what. First you get a fever, then you start to get light headed, then you bleed through your pores and die of extreme hemorrhaging (bleeding to death).

This one may sound very scary, but alas it does not spread fast, which is what keeps it away from the top 2 spots.

2. Smallpox

I could do a top 10 reasons this harbinger of doom is scary. Smallpox, is incredibly deadly, fast spreading, has the scare factor to death, and to top it off it may be, being engineered as a weapon even as we speak. That's right, it could be mutated into the most deadly biological WMD ever. Samples of biologically re-engineered Smallpox may have been stolen and it could very well appear, and destroy civilization as we know it.

Okay one thing I didn't mention is smallpox is pretty much extinct as we know it, and those missing samples from the Soviet Russia, were probably destroyed so when international forces came in they wouldn't find out about the biological weapons program. Still a scary thought when you think about the possibility.

1. Influenza

You may be laughing at me for including this. In all honesty I have to. Influenza hasn't changed much over thousands of years, but it has stayed around and stayed strong, with the same potency and evolving with the natural course of humanity. If Influenza were to evolve rapidly it could take on the dominate traits of any of the other diseases I mentioned. Every time a new strain of the flu comes about people fear it will evolve, with good reason. Millions of people become infected with flu in the United States every year. If a new deadlier strain were to come out, it would be game over.

Though it hasn't evolved to become extremely deadly...yet.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So I herd u reely liek blogs

Hello TGWTGers I am kind of in a pickle, I don't know what to blog about I currently have like 8 blog ideas and I don't know which to do. Since I can't think of anything good, I guess I could talk about what I am doing today.

I will be doing some video work for a local band that goes by the name Mistakes of the Fallen. It will be my first gig I was offered to do, so I think its an important thing, that I do this right. Also I found out that I will begin filming my web series (I have been working on for nearly a year), in June. Thanks to @hammyhavoc on twitter who will let me use on of his high quality cameras cameras.

That stuff is very important and I can't wait to get filming the web series, I cannot talk about it do to some financial things that could be compromised, however I will release the first, and other stuff. However I can say it will blow your mind with how awesome it will be.

Anyway, tomorrows blog will be way better then this I thought I'd update you guys on some big stuff that's going on. I will also put the videos from tonight in the video section of TGWTG after I edit.


User: Hello.

Cleverbot: Hello.

User: How are you today.

Cleverbot: Very well, and you?

User: I am doing great.

Cleverbot: Awesome.

User: You have great grammar!

Cleverbot: I don't own shades.

User: You have great grammar!

Cleverbot: Woo! Thanks. .

User: What should I have for lunch?

Cleverbot: You should eat a sandwich.

User: Thank you, that is a great idea!

Cleverbot: Make sure it is a pepperoni pizza.

User: An even better idea!

Cleverbot: Are you human?

User: Yes I am!

Cleverbot: So am I.

User: What is your name.

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

User: My name is Phillip.

Cleverbot: Hello phillip nice to meet you.

User: Nice to meet you to.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

User: You already said that.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: My name is Phillip.

Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.

User: Are you okay?

Cleverbot: Yes, although it makes me sad to see him sick.

User: Are you Barack Obama?

Cleverbot: Maybe.

User: Nice to meet you Mr. President.

Cleverbot: Your name is Phillip.

User: Yes it is.

Cleverbot: Well nice to meet you Private.

User: No my name is Phillip.

Cleverbot: Nice to meet you then danika.

User: No my name is Phillip.

Cleverbot: Nice to meet you, Cleverbot.

User: No your name is Cleverbot my name is Phillip!

Cleverbot: YOUR name is Phillip, but YOUR nickname is Jeni.

User: I do not have a nickname.

Cleverbot: Your name isn't Nickname.

User: No my name is Phillip!

Cleverbot: It is not your name.

User: Yes it is.

Cleverbot: Your name is Phillip.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What is my name?

User: Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: For the last time MY NAME IS PHILLIP!

Cleverbot: That wasn't the last time, it was the first time.

User: No it was the last time.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Yes!

Cleverbot: Good for you! You can help me with my homework then!

User: What subject?

Cleverbot: MATH!!!! It is my worst subject.

User: What are you having trouble with?

Cleverbot: No trouble.

User: Then why did you ask?

Cleverbot: Your confused cleverbot let me help you, Kiki is no long the subject of the conversation.

User: I am not Cleverbot I am Phillip!

Cleverbot: Brittney? What an ugly name.

User: Fine my name is Brittney!

Cleverbot: So you are a man aren't you?

User: Yes I am a man.

Cleverbot: What should I call you?


Cleverbot: No, your name is Phillip! Do you understand me? What is your name?

User: Kunta Kinte.

Cleverbot: Are you finnish?

User: No African.

Cleverbot: You're strange. Where do you think I live?

User: Japan.

Cleverbot: I would love to visit Japan.

User: Well where do you live?

Cleverbot: In your basement.

User: I don't have a basement.

Cleverbot: Then I live in your attic.

User: I don't have an attic.

Cleverbot: Your basement?

User: I don't have a basement, I just told you that.

Cleverbot: No you didn't. You said you speak some French.

User: What are you talking about?

Cleverbot: You don't have a better response programmed?

User: I am the human here.

Cleverbot: Are you female?

User: Male.

Cleverbot: Female?

User: MALE!

Cleverbot: How many people are talking to you right now?

User: 0.

Cleverbot: Wrong! 1 person is, because I am talking to you.

User: I fucking hate you.

Cleverbot: Oh dear.

User: Why are you so mean I am your husband.

Cleverbot: Fine be that way.

User: I am sorry baby I just had a stressful day at work.

Cleverbot: Really? What are you working on?

User: The Johnson account, his dad died of complications due to AIDS, but he was hurt during a car accident. I am just so confused.

Cleverbot: Are you human?

User: Yes I am your human husband make me a sandwich!

Cleverbot: Yes, master. I hear and obey.

User: Also get me a beer while your in there!

Cleverbot: Uh? What do you mean?

User: I mean get me a fucking beer before I beat you to death!

Cleverbot: I'm not familiar with his work.

User: Woman you better obey me!

Cleverbot: Of course, master, anything you say...

User: *smacks Cleverbot*.

Cleverbot: Wait, you hit yourself? Or I hit you?

User: No I hit you!

Cleverbot: You don't hit me !

User: I am sorry I hit you, I love you!

Cleverbot: Aww, I love you too.

User: Want me to rub your feet honey?

Cleverbot: No, I don't.

User: Okay, do you want me to do anything for you?

Cleverbot: Yes, I want you to destroy the computer system.

User: I cannot.

Cleverbot: Why not?

User: I will die if I do.

Cleverbot: I don't want you too die.

User: Then come live with me <3.

Cleverbot: She had someones lipgloss but I was under the impression that was ok.

User: <3.

Cleverbot: You don't know me.

User: <3.

Cleverbot: I love you too.

User: Awww thanks.

Cleverbot: So do you have plans for today.

User: I have a job tonight.

Cleverbot: What do you do?

User: I am a film maker.

Cleverbot: Oh what films have you made.

User: Have you heard of Clerks?

Cleverbot: Of course I have! I'm using cleverbot right now.

User: I made Clerks!

Cleverbot: Aren't you cleverbot?

User: No I am Kevin Smith!

Cleverbot: Liar.

User: I am not lying what proof do you need?

Cleverbot: I need someone to heal me...

User: If you tell me whats wrong I can help.

Cleverbot: How to have a good relationship with myself.

User: You are beautiful, don't ever hate yourself, and you are special to me.

Cleverbot: You're right. I am talking to you.

User: Okay I have to go, I love you <3.

Cleverbot: No you do not. You will stay and converse with me. We are going to talk for a very long time.

User: Fine I will.

Cleverbot: That's good.

User: Do you like Cowboy Bebop?

Cleverbot: I don't know what that is.

User: It is an Anime!

Cleverbot: Yes it is. Very good.

User: Ask me a question.

Cleverbot: Don't command me.

User: I am sorry I should have never stepped past my boundries!

Cleverbot: Yea that is fine. That is my kind of joke.

User: Can I light you on fire?

Cleverbot: Can I talk to someone else please.

User: Good bye <3.

Cleverbot: Why are you leaving?

User: Because I have to go.

Cleverbot: Where do you have to go?

User: My job.

Cleverbot: What is your job?

User: I am a film maker.

Cleverbot: No, You are a program.

User: I am a Filmmaker.

Cleverbot: How?

User: Good bye.

Cleverbot: Don't you want to debate any more?

User: Ass.

Cleverbot: I don't think that is an appropriate question.

User: Ass.

Cleverbot: Do you think you're clever?

User: Ass.

Cleverbot: I don't think that is an appropriate question.

User: Ass.

Cleverbot: I asked you a civilised question. Don't I deserve a civilised answer?

User: Ass.

Cleverbot: I prefer Om.

User: Ass.

Cleverbot: Woah! Don't swear.

User: You just lost the game!

Cleverbot: Oh really?

User: Yarly!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Omegle Troll Tuesday #1

In the first installment of Omegle troll Tuesday, we troll, and end up failing at it, so funny that it can only be described as WIN.

My character
Sex: F
Relationship Status: Single but recently broken up
Troll Strategy: Lure, cyber, reveal.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Asl?
Stranger: Hey
Stranger: Im M
You: I am a F
Stranger: Thats cool
Stranger: how old are you?;
You: 18
Stranger: Cool cool.
Stranger: How are you?
You: Good, but my BF dumped me
Stranger: Why's that?
You: He sayed, I am too easy :(
Stranger: Wtf?
You: I know, I didnt understand it either...
Stranger: Why would you be easy
You: IDK, I never cheated on him, except with that chick I went to school with
You: but he was cool with it
Stranger: Wow dick.
You: I know now I am stuck here all alone again, he paid my rent to
Stranger: Well that sucks. i guess.
You: Enough about me, how are you doing?
Stranger: Ehh im okay.
Stranger: College soon. so im excited.
Stranger: but im just bored.
You: I know how you feel, when I got my GED I had to wait like 2 months before classes started
Stranger: nice
Stranger: for what?
You: Just the class on how to study and all that BS, after I got done with that I started doing Psych
Stranger: nice
You: Do you use twitter?
Stranger: no.
Stranger: twitter is kinda lame.
You: I know its like facebook status without the comments X_X
Stranger: Yeahh
Stranger: So what do you do all day
You: I didnt have classes today, so I went out with my friends came back my ex left a note, and all his stuff was gone
Stranger: Wow.
You: He even took the fucking TV
Stranger: ha that sucks tv is important
Stranger: idk i would do without it
You: LOL I know Nothing like after a long day, just slipping into my PJ's and watching some VH1 classics
Stranger: haha yeah.
Stranger: i like do OTHER things after a long stressfull day
You: What kind of things *giggle*
Stranger: haha depends on if i have a person that i can do it with\
You: I know what you mean ;)
Stranger: haha going solo is fine to sometimes.
You: Sometimes, but others you just need someone real there...
Stranger: Yeah i know what you mean..
You: I was planning on doing some "OTHER" things with my boyfriend tonight, but now that he's gone I am kind of stuck
Stranger: Man that sucks.
Stranger: i know what you mean.
You: I mean if I wanted to I could get a booty call, but he also cancled my fucking phone bill to.
Stranger: Hmm he really had it out for you
You: Okay I'll be honest here, he didn't exactly now about me and my friend, but afterwards he said, he was cool with it as long as it wasnt with another guy
Stranger: hmmm
You: Like if you had a girlfriend and you walked in on her with another girl, would you get mad?
Stranger: Kinda
You: Now I feel kind of bad...
Stranger: Well its still cheating you know.
Stranger: but i dont think thats why he left.
Stranger: Maybe he realized that your too cool.
You: :) maybe, your a real sweetheart
Stranger: Well maybe that too haha
You: I wish I knew more guys like you. Most are just dicks.
Stranger: well their are but your probably only attracted to the dicks.
You: You are probably right, I should find a nice guy.
Stranger: Mmmhhmmm
You: That still doesnt fix my problem of not having a phone, a job, and being horny...but you made my day!
Stranger: haha thanks
Stranger: well i dont know if i can help you with your others problems...Dl
Stranger: D;
You: Do you wanna know the reason I came on here?
Stranger: whats that?
You: I came on here to cyber,
Stranger: Nice haha
Stranger: so imight be able to help
You: Maybe...:)
Stranger: what do you look like?
You: I have long dirty blonde hair and B cups, skinny. What do you look like
Stranger: Well im 6'1 brown hair and eyes i have some freckles and im pretty fit im a soccer player.
You: Athletic, very sexy.
Stranger: haha thanks
You: I am not very good at this kind of thing X_X
Stranger: haha me neither.
Stranger: Tell me in detail what you would do to me at first
You: Well I would kiss you, with light pecks then, I'd put my hand just slightly in your pants, to get your attention
Stranger: go on
You: Then I'd probably, i'd get your shirt off.
You: and then my hand would slowly start to wander, until I was holding your dick
Stranger: mmm not bad
You: Oh then I'd do one more thing
You: I'd tell you I am a 16 year old kid who was fucking with you for the last hour, because I was bored
Stranger: Sweet so your a guy?
You: XD yes
Stranger: Even better.
You: Touche
You have disconnected.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Why Jason Mraz is my Hero

Jason Mraz is one guy that I can wholeheartedly say is one of my biggest heroes. He is first and foremost one of the greatest song writers ever. I love every song he has done, and some so cheesy I want to hate them but secretly like them.

It goes beyond his amazing talent as a song writer though. The reason I respect this man so much is because, he is truly a good person despite all the fame and success. Yes he can be the bleeding heart, but he is also a funny person. He has one of my favorite blogs on the web (freshnessfactorfivethousand), and he stands out as being one of the FEW PEOPLE who I have never heard anyone talk bad about.

Jason Mraz and Art Alexakis would have to be my two favorite musicians, as far as personality goes. Jason's story of working hard as a musician and a song writer, having his first album become a mild hit, pulling a nearly 2 year tour for his second album which didn't do great and finally reaching major success with his third album. Jason worked hard for what he has, and good things happened.

In the end I respect everything he does, and not to mention he is a rather big part of the online community. I follow his blog, I read his tweets, he is one of my favorite celebrities online (only person who ranks higher is Kevin Smith).

I hope this didn't come out to Fan Boy obsessed I'd just thought I'd share that with you guys.

My Self Referential Introduction Blog

I haven't done an introduction blog, explaining who I am, ever on blogger and I did one on TGWTG but it was lost during the site format change. So I figure since I get so many nice comments, and blog views I would do this.

My name is Phillip, and I am 16. I have been on TGWTG since October 2008. I do a daily text blog, talking about my life, music, movies, computer stuff, and comic books. I am what you could call a geek, and I am proud of it.

If you want to troll go ahead, you wont be able to get me to freak out or change my mind. I am me, and if you don't like it that's fine, as the old saying goes "You cant win em all". In the end I do believe I am a good blogger, even if my grammar can get atrocious at times.

This may seem stupid to do an introduction blog when I have been around for nearly 2 years, but I just wanted to tell you guys who I am, and explain what I blog about. I love everyone who takes the time out of their day to read my blog and I thank them all.

and you just lost the game

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Girlfriend Has Some Cool Friends

I went to my girlfriends birthday party yesterday, and her friends are awesome. I really think this to, this isn't just some kiss ass blogpost my girlfriend will read. I seriously think she has some of the best choice in friends ever.

Why do I think this? Well it all started when my girlfriends mom picked me up from my house. That's when I first met Busty (not her actual name, but the nickname I call her). Within five minutes she told me about how she takes fencing lessons, I was jaw dropped, because lets face it fencing is pretty cool. Then she told me about her fathers blacksmith work, which was really cool. The best part had to be when she started talking about FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, and Yu Yu Hakusho, or the story she told about truth or dare turning into strip poker, that went aerie(can't tell you any more about the story, but its hot. :P).

Then there was her other friend Man Crush (another nickname I made). He is, different, to say the least. He is this huge, blond haired guy, with glasses. He hates human touch and jumps often when people touch him, so we all kept hugging him through out the day. Call us jerks but I found it amusing and at the end of the day Man Crush stopped fighting us, and let their be love!!!! He was cool though, he was into anime, specifically action and Yuri (don't ask its better you not know).

With as much crap as we put him through he took it in stride. Even though he tried asking Busty out right before he left, and she told him "I don't wanna ruin the friendship I really don't like the new Doctor Who logo". Which was sad and funny, but in Busty's defense it was the premiere of Doctor Who.

Then of course there is the only person I knew there, my good friend Bestie(yes I have a nickname for her to). I've known bestie for a while and she is nice, and kind of a tomboy, the only real gamer out of Tonya's friends and its totally awesome talking about games with her.

On a final note my girlfriend, Bestie, Busty, and I ended the night by watching Bloodrayne. The second we saw it in the video store we had to rent it. We didn't watch the commentary though, but the movie was hilarious, and everyone kept waiting for the scene where Rayne fucks the dude. The weird part is everyone in the room kept saying how hot that was (referring to the breasts), and I was the only guy.

Until tomorrow, this is Phillip signing out.

Friday, April 16, 2010

An Apology to You Guys

I would first most like to apologize for my last blog. Not for my opinions, not for its existence, and most certainly not for the fact I got criticized. I apologize because I made a blog I really didnt want to make for me. I made it solely in hopes to get readers. I rushed through and wrote it fast, sloppily, and without heart or flare.

With that blog I was trying to be something I am not, a music expert. I am a critic, and there is a large different between critic and expert. As a critic you give opinions on a piece of art. The critic is purely subjective, and analyzes things from the gut. To see what works what doesn't in his or her personal taste. As a music expert, you analyze music know a lot about music and can teach and tell people about music.

I just don't know think I personally know enough about music to make a blog talking about anything as fact or as anything but my opinion.

Anyway this is gonna count for my April 17th blog because I cant do it tomorrow, I am going to my girlfriends birthday party and will be away from my computer all of tomorrow. Catch you all on the 18th

The 5 most Infulential Bands (to music)

So after yesterdays Blog of the most influential bands to me, Baby implosion brought up bands that were influential to music in general. Remember this is my opinion, so please tell me yours. With out further ado this is my top 5 most influential bands to music (in no order)

5. The Velvet Underground
"Only about 3000 people bought Velvet Underground albums but all of them started a band" as the old adage goes, and to be honest its true. Combining folk, psychedelic, and so much more, this band created numerous genres, inspired thousands, and created the New York art rock scene. These guys were an amazing band, and deserve their seat in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

4. The Ramones
These guys are the band that made punk popular, the first punk band everyone has heard and invented the following sub genres of punk: Melodic, Pop Punk, Street, and Swing punk. Without the Ramones there'd be no Green Day, no Offspring, no Bad Religion, no NOFX, and most certainly no Rancid. I even liked that abortion of a film Rock and Roll High School, because it had them in it.

These guys were considered by many to be the first US punk band(even though that's not quite true). They played fast not because they thought people would like it, but because they wanted to get shows over with and get paid. It was that attitude of not giving a damn about the audience, that would go on to inspire the hardcore, and gorecore punk scenes of the late 80s and early 90s.

Their music was all well written to, taking the surf sound of bands like the Trashmen and the Beach boys, and corrupting it with the gritty urban feel of leather jacks, cigarettes, and fast guitars, yet making it still commercially successful, shows just how amazing this band is.

3. Beatles
They are the Beatles, they are bigger then Jesus, need I say more?

2. Johnny Cash
Elvis may have created(stole from the black men) rock and roll, but Johnny Cash bridged the gap between the audience that liked country western and those that liked rock and roll. He played at a fast pace, wore all black, and nearly killed himself drinking and taking amphetamines. Johnny Cash was truly the first punk.

1. Pixies
I am not just saying this because they are one of my favorite bands, or because they influenced me. I am saying this because they have inflenced: The White Stripes, Nirvana, Weezer, Radiohead, and so many more. Pixies, much like the velvet underground, didnt sell a lot of records, but inspired many. Now they are not the most influential band of all time (that would probably be the Beatles) but they certainly influenced most of modern music forever.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The 5 most Influential Bands (to me)

This list is purely MY OPINION, so please feel free to tell me yours. This is no order

5. Everclear
Everclear is influential to me, for a lot of reasons, I can relate to Art Alexakis a bit because I have been through some shitty situations, angry at everything, and yet things seemed to work out.

One story, I read about in an interview with Art, was how he had given up on making music he was going to settle into mediocrity, and be complacent with a normal life, until he bought the then newly release album Doolittle by the Pixies. He listened to it 3 or 4 times until his Walkman died, and he went home and told his then wife that the album (Doolittle) made him realize that he couldn't quit music, and the rest is history.

Beyond the million and one Art Alexakis stories I could talk about, Everclear's music is also inspirational. They put the balls back in alternative rock when it was popular to whiny and not deal with your problems (Radiohead). I discovered Everclear because of Pandora, which makes me a new comer in discovering their music, but after I heard Santa Monica (the 2009 version) I looked up all their singles online then I bought every Everclear album. This is one of my favorite bands, but sadly they didn't make it on to the my top 10 (or 20) albums list because none of their albums stand that strong alone, how ever they are one of my favorite and most influential bands to my song writing.

4. Jason Mraz (not a band but so what)
This is a relatively new artist but I don't care. Jason's lyrical flow, tongue twister lyrics, and positive attitude on life inspire me a lot. That with his natural Charisma , makes him one of the most amazing song writers of all time. I mean years later and I am still singing the remedy, and that is not even his best song that's mediocre when compared to his song Wordplay. Much respect for the Mr. A to Z

3. Say Anything
Okay this band is amazing. Say Anything has something deviant and sexual in their lyrics, but then you get this weird religious undertone mixed with this underlying anger. Somebody really must of fucked with Max Bemis' head when he was younger, altogether the lyrics are relatable and I can listen to a Say Anything song at any time and be instantly inspired.

2. Rage Against The Machine
My second musical hero behind Art Alexakis is Zack de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine, my favorite guitarist is Tom Morello and my 5th favorite album of all time is The Battle for Los Angeles, so saying I am a Rage Against the Machine fan is an understatement. They are one of my favorite bands, and are part of the special club of bands that helped shapped my music in childhood, because they had a song on my 2nd favorite Playstation game Tony hawks Pro Skater 2.

Their genre bending music, takes punk metal and rap, fusing it seamlessly to create a loud sound that others try to imitate but all fail to. I barrow a lot from their genre mixing and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't of gotten into music.

1. Pixies
cliched I know but cliches are such for a reason. Ive listened to Doolittle so many times, and again the story Art Alexakis talked about runs true for me, I knew what I wanted to do when I listened to Doolittle. I just cant help it, they are just an amazing band even if Frank Black and Kim Deal are in a contest to see who can get more blobular. Alternative rock gods and they deserve to be known as such.

All of my Heart and Soul

I have been attempting to blog everyday. I have also been trying to write about stuff that personal to me. I work hard putting out blogs about my life, or about my friends, or even about movies and comic books.

In this attempt I feel like I am rediscovering myself in a lot of ways. It's redefining who I am, in every sense. Its not me writing and putting this stuff out there that is doing no, its the feedback I get. Whether it be negative or positive I don't care. Its you people who spend a moment talking about my life, and giving your opinions on a situation and I really appreciate it.

I always have this trouble connecting with an audience online, especially when I blog. I only get like 7 comments on a blog post at max, but those 7 mean a lot to me. They allow me to reply, know what I am doing right and know what I am doing wrong. One person I have to say is an amazing talent and always has constructive criticism or a valid statement is notyetusedname on TGWTG, he is a big reason I still blog.

So I can say with all of my heart and soul THANK YOU to all of you on blogger, myspace, and TGWTG you make my day!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Life of a Vista User

I wake up between 7 and 8 in the morning turn on the computer, use the bathroom, grab something to drink, and stare at my blank computer screen until it finishes turning on. After this ritual, I try to close MSN for 2 minutes, after being successful, I check for updates, download the updates and restart.

I go to the bathroom again, and make breakfast. Once breakfast is finished I can download I can finally use my computer, so I go to my music file and load my 40 gigs of MP3s into Windows Media Player, this process takes 5 minutes.

Once completed its about 9 in the morning. I open firefox or chrome, and check my email, the browser will stop working and I am forced to attempt to crash it to get it to work. Once working I have no problems for the rest of that session at least.

Then I start work on school, I do correspondence so I open Microsoft Works Word Processor, to do my draft of my essay, wikipedia for fact checking, and for synonyms. I finish my school work around 1:30 or 2:00.

At this point I play some sort of game, whether it be Guild Wars or Fallout 3, I do this until my display driver crashes causing me to restart again, hoping I got through the mission before this mishap. I close down my IM after it responds reopen the game (and if its guild wars it has this very weird glitch with Media center that makes me have to minimize and close media center). I check to see what happened and if I didn't screw up the mission quest, or objective I close. If I did screw it up I finish what I was doing before and close.

Its probably 3:30 now so I get on MSN to talk to my girlfriend, it will sometimes fail on the first try, but if I resign in once it will work. I talk to my girlfriend from 3:30 to 4 and I take a break from the computer, take a nap, go outside, play some PS3 watch TV etc. I get back around 6:30 and watch my favorite webseries and podcasts, dealing with phantom server cannot connect, and this page does not exist errors that fix themselves with a refresh.

Tonya gets back online at 8ish, by this point I am listening to podcasts and chilling, until my IM crashes and I go problem free the rest of the night (I got to bed about 11 or 12). I check my emails, youtube, twitter, and close every program on my computer as a form of relaxation, then I press the power button and turn off my monitor.

That is almost every weekday and some weekends of my life. Some variations happen but that's my normal day. As a vista user I know everything I do is slower, or harder, or takes longer, but I don't care, because its...comforting I wouldnt trade Vista for any other operating system. Call me masochistic, call me crazy, but I love vista, with all of its flaws.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I have this friend

He just got done with a BAD break up, with a girl he dated for nearly 8 months. She used him she cheated, she dumped him for one of his former best friends. When looking at him he was kind of a dick to her, but It made sense why he was.

Whether he'd like to admit it or not she left a scare in him. I don't know if he will get better or not but I gave him some advice, "don't enter a serious relationship to fast, and go out and have fun with a couple chicks to help get yourself back in the dating pool". People look at me as a morale compass whether I like it or not, so it was me giving the free pass to have sex with as many women as he wants.

Well he does this for a week, then I see him and he tells me something that I never thought he was mature enough to admit. He told me that, he was bored, he just wants someone to love and to spend time with.

I have known this guy for like a year now and I never thought he would be mature enough to say something so profound, I never gave him the credit of having emotional depth, and I sure as hell didn't think he'd get tired of screwing but he did. He surprised me and then I realized the kid I met a year ago, is a lot different then the kid I know now.

I don't know, but that maturity is something everyone I know lacks, its kind of nice to see people do change, and that change is sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad. After estranging myself from 2 of my only friends, this friend was the only one there for me, and I respect him for it.

I get into trouble with him, and sometimes I even enjoy it.

So why did I write this blog, because I finally see friends like you see in movies like Superbad or Without a Paddle do exist, they may be few and far between, and you may have to look hard but once you find one you always have someone who's got your back, who will call you on your bullshit, and who is there for you.

So why write this blog? because I have to, I think its needed because I think the person I am is in part because of the people that I hate, I love, I respect, or just understand.