Thursday, October 8, 2009

Zombieland Text review

Every now and then that rare comedy movie comes along, that one that is nearly perfect in every way. One that doesn't have to rely on gross out humor and sex for every joke. Zombieland is that movie.

The cast is just fantastic, the main and pretty much only cast consists of; Jesse Eisenberg as Columbus the cowardly main protagonist, Woody Harrelson is Tallahassee, the rebellious loner without a cause, Emma Stone plays the romantic lead Wichita, and rounding up the cast Abigail Breslin as the spunky Little Rock. Altogether this cast is amazing, the way Harrelson and Eisenberg play off each other makes for a perfect comedic duo, but when Breslin and Stone enter the movie it just makes it a wonderful combination of dry, witty, and well timed humor. The best timing out of everyone is Breslin, who I have always thought was amazing since Little Miss Sunshine.

The writing and direction is amazing the only minor flaws I have were with the audio editing. The movies audio seems like I did it. In areas where dubbing was needed it was obvious and some areas that didn't need dubbing got it.

The Story is also amazing. It makes a believable world that zombies exiest in and a great origin story for the zombie apocalypse. The way the characters interact feels real its not, forced at all. The writing was just so good it makes other dramatic zombie movies seem like crap. The best way to describe the story is, every road trip, buddy movie, and romantic comedy put together in a dark world of zombies and death.

If you couldn't tell from the rest of this review I loved this movie. If I could I would go off and marry this movie. Just go and watch it now. The only thing keeping this movie from a 100% is the audio editing, I give this movie a 99%